The Daily Mile by John Dabell
Source: Learning Juice via John Dabell
Date: 19-April-2018
John Dabell is an experienced teacher, former school inspector, project manager, writer and editor at TeacherToolkit.
Are your children match fit?
Children come in all shapes and sizes and their fitness levels vary considerably – they always have.
The high prevalence of physical inactivity and low level of healthy eating habits is commonplace and so you won’t be surprised to learn that 22 million children under the age of 5 years are overweight. Obese children are more likely to grow into obese adults.
Ali Oliver, chief executive of the Youth Sport Trust, thinks that accessible, inclusive and purposeful sport, play and PE have to play their part in tackling not just obesity but also mental health issues. No one is really going to disagree with this and into this mix we can add a daily dose of 1609.34 meters, 1760 yards, 5280 feet or 63360 inches.
Sedentary lifestyles are far from healthy and this is where schools can help. One initiative that is getting a lot of press at the moment is The Daily Mile, and it is a phenomenon sweeping schools.
The Daily Mile is a simple enough idea – children run or jog outdoors for 15 minutes with their friends. Although children can go at their own pace and they can walk to get their breath, the goal is to run or jog for the full 15 minutes. The Daily Mile website lists an array of benefits.
Whilst running around the playground is nothing new, as a dedicated social activity for 15 minutes everyday then The Daily Mile is unique because this is a social commitment to fitness that involves everyone.
The success of The Daily Mile soon spread and it is now an intervention that many schools are joining in with. The Daily Mile is devoted to promoting a fitter and healthier school and so that means teachers have to play their part too by being positive role models and taking part.
Good mental, physical and emotional health are essential characteristics for a teacher to have if they work with children so The Daily Mile can represent a culture change for everyone in the school.
Teachers often go the extra mile, why not The Daily Mile as well?
This article has been reproduced with the kind permission of the content creator, Learning Juice. To read the article in full, please click the link below.