Teenagers should be made to walk or run a Daily Mile to protect them against depression, study claims
Source: Mail Online
Date: 19-April-2018
- Experts say a lack of exercise could be behind soaring rates of mental illness
- Figures show the amount of activity children get drops in secondary school
- A team of scientists claim that The Daily Mile scheme could help beat the blues
Study author Professor Mark Beauchamp, of British Columbia University, said:
„In The Daily Mile children run, jog or walk one mile every day in their school clothes. The Daily Mile does not require specialised equipment or unique staff training and emphasises enjoyment, inclusion and social participation. All of which happen within 15-minute transitions and during times in the day that work for teachers and schools. Although typically implemented with younger children, active breaks – along with initiatives such as The Daily Mile – represent excellent targets for implementation with older adolescents in secondary schools.“
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